Does Wix support dynamic height values for embedded iframes and if so how do you code it properly? I have a form I’d like to embed that will change in height as it has sections that expand and collapse. I also don’t want the embedded form to scroll up and down separately from the actual page it is on.
Thank you in advance.
Not sure if you will be able to achieve your functionality by using an embeded HTML-Component.
Some BRAINSTORMING… loading…
1) Possible solution-1:
-Adding the iFrame and resize it as most big as possible over your page (even beyond the edges).
-Generating some code to activate the communication between iFrame and Wix-Page.
-Generating some code on wix-page which will get the current used resolution size.
-Sending the size over to the html-iFrame.
-Generating some code inside HTML-C. which will be able to analyse and adapt it’s size accordingly to the recieved resolution-sizes from Wix-Page.
-additionaly generating some code inside HTML for Scrollbarr-deactivation
-additionaly try to brind your wix website into FULLSCREEN (if possible).
If this really works → hmmm never tested → just an IDEA! Resizing elements directly on a Wix-Webpage is out of my knowledge not possible, maybe on Editor-X or the new Wix-Studio-Editor (& maybe in 2050 or even later, one day). 
…and exactly at this moment → i remember <— that i have already requested for such a functionality 3-years ago on the CORVID-WISHLIST…, oh yeah, the old good CORVID-DAYS.
-Not using a HTML-Component, instead using several collapsible COLUMN-STRIPS or maybe a REPEATER and generating your desired costom colapsible SECTIONS.
APIs you could use → Wix-Window-Frontend-API → getBoundingRect()…