How to Show location on Google Maps?


I have the following components on a Dynamic Page:

  • Table (ID = table1 , populated by dynamicDataset , title contains names of places )

  • Google Map (ID = googlemap1 , should show the location of the Current Item title)

Im trying to show the location of the current item title ( .getCurrentItem().title ) on the map when its displayed in the viewable part of the current window ( onViewportEnter ).

Using this example as a stating point: How to Use Google Maps Services in Wix Code
And this Places API Guide

I have google API and enabled the Places API.

  1. I created a web module (backend) file named gapi.jsw

  2. In that file, web modules which will be used to call the Google Maps online service functions.

import {fetch} from 'wix-fetch';
const key = "Crazy-long_Google_API-key"; // My own API key is here

// Retrieve details of the selected location
const dpart1 = "";
const dpart2 = "&key=";
// this function is triggered when clicking on a suggestion list repeater item
export function details(id) {
    let placeid = "placeid=" + id;
    let url = dpart1 + placeid + dpart2 + key;
    return fetch (url, {method: 'get'}).then( (httpResponse) => { 
        if (httpResponse.ok) {      
            return httpResponse.json(); 

3. In the Map page i added the following code, 
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import {local} from 'wix-storage';
import {details} from 'backend/gapi';

//this function is triggered when the map is displayed in the viewable part of the current window (onViewportEnter)
export function location_title() {
    let place_id = $w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem().title;

 4. The set_details( ) function need to be adjusted to my needs. Since am using Place and not address (as in the example) i assume the Fields need to be changed from address_components (as country or city) to geometry/location. Furthermore, the example using a text input and repeater which i don't.  Here is the original code from the link above with :
/* This function calls the details() web module to retrieve the details (city, country, utc, etc) of the selected or saved location. */

function set_details(val) {
    details(val).then(function(resp) {
    	// find the city (locality) and country of the location
        let place = resp.result;
        var filtered_array = place.address_components.filter(function(address_component){
            return address_component.types.includes("country");
        var country = filtered_array.length ? filtered_array[0].long_name: "";
        filtered_array = place.address_components.filter(function(address_component){
            return address_component.types.includes("locality");
        var locality = filtered_array.length ? filtered_array[0].long_name: "";
 console.log("details: " + locality);
        let name = place.formatted_address;
        let id = place.place_id;
        let utc = place.utc_offset;
        let lat =;
        let lng = place.geometry.location.lng; 

        // save the details of the location with wix-storage
        local.setItem("place_city", name);
        local.setItem("place_lat", lat);
        local.setItem("place_lng", lng);
        local.setItem("place_utc", utc);
        local.setItem("place_id", id);
        $w("#input1").value = name; // set input field to location
        // array of location detail items for the repeater
        let detailsList = 
                "_id": "1",
                "text3": "place name",
                "text4": name
                "_id": "2",
                "text3": "latitude",
                "text4": "" + lat
                "_id": "3",
                "text3": "longitude",
                "text4": "" + lng
                "_id": "4",
                "text3": "utc",
                "text4": "" + utc
                "_id": "5",
                "text3": "place id",
                "text4": id

        // set the details repeater data and show it
        $w("#repeater2").data = detailsList; // add data to our repeater

Will appreciate your help in adjusting the code for my needs.


Have you seen the other example already listed in this forum’s examples list?

The other example you have already seen and used in your post above.

Hi @givemeawhisky

Thanks for the quick response,
Yes, saw both of those examples - the second is even in my post.