How to update count of references included in a multi-reference field with more than 50 referenced items?


I’m working on a query that would **count** number of referenced item in a **Multi-Reference** field **for each item** in a collection and **update count** of referenced items in **Count of Likes** field.

Here’s a screenshot of the two fields I’m working with:

Screenshot of two fields in a collection. One field is a Multi-Reference field that is titled Liked By and the other is a number field that is titled Count Of Likes

Does anyone know how to count number of referenced items and update Count of Likes field to contain number of references (or number of likes)?

My Code

I wrote this code but any item (or blog post) that has more than 50 referenced items (more than 50 likes) has `blogPost.likes.length` always returning 50 and not the actual count of likes:
import wixData from 'wix-data';

export async function updateLikesCount() {
    // retrieve 50 items at a time and store them into results variable
    let results = await wixData.query("BlogPosts")

    // place retrieved items into allBlogPosts variable
    let allBlogPosts = results.items;

    // check if collection has more items
    while (results.hasNext()) {
        // overwrite items in results variable with next set of items
        results = await;

        // add newly retrieved items to the allBlogPosts variable
        allBlogPosts = allBlogPosts.concat(results.items);

    // recalculate and update count of likes for each blog post
    const updatedBlogPosts = => {
        const countOfLikes = blogPost.likes.length;
        blogPost.countOfLikes = countOfLikes;
        return blogPost;

// write function to bulk-update count for all blog posts here

    return updatedBlogPosts;

What I Already Tried

Reading through documentation on [include()]( function I see that there's a limit of 50 items in a multi-reference field. That explains why `blogPost.likes.length` doesn't return a value more than 50.

I also tried using queryReferenced() function. queryReferenced() does return accurate count of referenced items for a given blog post, but it doesn’t return a blog post data which means I can’t run the bulkUpdate() function, or update() function for that matter, because items that are passed to both bulkUpdate() and update() must have all properties populated in order to not lose any data from item being updated.


How can code be written to:
  1. Retrieve all properties of an item (of a blog post).
  2. Accurately count number of likes an item received in a multi-reference field.
  3. Update the Count Of Likes field with accurate number of likes

Any ideas?

Hi Mikhail

The limit() function defines the number of results a query returns in each page. Only one page of results is retrieved at a time. By default, limit is set to 50.

Meaning you will have to add this to your Queries:


This is also the link to the documentation:,limit%20is%20set%20to%2050%20.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, increasing limit doesn’t work. It looks like the include() function wasn’t designed to bring in more than 50 items from a multi-reference field regardless of what the limit() property is set to.

Documentation for include() function has this written about its multi-reference field limits:

  • The query will return an error if more than 50 items are returned, regardless of any query limit set using the limit() function.

Maybe use the query Referenced function. According to my knowledge you should be able to retrieve all references with that.

I tried using queryReferenced() function. queryReferenced() does return accurate count of referenced items for a given blog post, but it doesn’t return a blog post data which means I can’t run the bulkUpdate() function, or update() function for that matter, because items that are passed to both bulkUpdate() and update() must have all properties populated in order to not lose any data from item being updated.

Documentation for bulkUpdate() have this warning mentioned:

Warning: If an existing item in the specified collection matches the _id of the specified item, bulkUpdate replaces the existing item’s property values with the ones in the specified item. If the existing item had properties with values and those properties were not included in the specified item, the values in those properties are lost.