How to use wix fonts on custom HTML


Since Wix text elements are so limited in function so I have to create static elements for footer using embed custom HTML and creates text and links there, but the text displayed on standard theme (using roman style). So I wanted to use Wix’s fonts which was used on my website and embed it to custom HTML, but how can I do that?
What font-family name for the font I use on wix website?

Just for your info, font that used for website was Brandon Grotesque

Thank you

After fighting this myself, instead of
element.html = <span>my custom generated content</span>;
(which loses the formatting without a clean way to add it back) put pre-formatted placeholder text in your element, and use
element.html = element.html.replace("my placeholder text", "my custom generated content");
which seems to retain the formatting for the replaced text.

I’d rather not need to hack around platform limitations, but here we are.