How to validate input text when adding data using WixData?

I have a few Text Inputs and TextBoxes and uploadButtons. So I want to verify to not insert empty data into collections. I made all the process manually, with no dataset attached. Only using wixData.insert(). So inputs and the submit button are not binded with anything.

I have the onClick() event where the “product” is created and I want to ABORT the event and send a Error message saying something like “No empty values allowed” or something like that.

By the way onCustomValidation doesn’t work for Empty fields.

Any idea?

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Are you asking for a simple text field validation?
If so, perhaps something like this should work for you:

export function buttonSubmit_click(event) {
 // validate text field 1
 let text1 = $w("#text1").text;
 if (text1 === "" || text1 === "null" || text1.length < 3) {
   // text1 = empty string or null value or less than 3 characters ?
   $w("#textStatus").text = "No empty values allowed";
   return // exit this function
 // validation successful
 // "create the product here"
 // ...

You can also set the fields as “Required”: