html component font-face

I am using an html component to display some text with dynamic formatting that I could not achieve using the html property of a regular text element because it includes a mix of html and CSS styling.

I would like to define a non standard font as part of an html text string that I am posting to the html component.

My problem: how do I define the font-face source url for a font that I have uploaded to my fonts in wix? And given that it’s a dynamic element that will be updated frequently, will this be inefficient? (Will it download the font every time? Or will it be kept in the browser after the 1st reference?)


I found a solution using the google fonts API.
Efficiency should be good. The div class definition and font reference is made in the static part of my html component code rather than being posted to the element as part of a dynamic html string, so the font will be downloaded only once when the page is loaded.
(In my case, only the text and color needed to be posted dynamically).