Html component upload delay

I added a html component with scrolling-up news, where data is taken from the DB.
Since the html component uploads after the page onReady() event, the html doesn’t always shown.
I also put the code on the dataset event handler ‘onReady’. Still, sometimes the html component is shown, & sometimes it doesn’t.
Need an idea for delaying the html component upload.
code always works on preview mode, but not always on live site.
Thanks a lot,

I’m not sure that I fully understand what’s the issue. Can you please send us the site URL and the page name so that we can have a look?


my pleasure:)
The html component doesn’t show the msg sent from the code. The preview always shows it.
I also worked with a button, & the data presented perfectly on the live page html component.
I assume that happens because the html uploads after page onReady event, & the code is not really reached.
I have a client request for implementing:

  • Progress bar
  • DB fields scrolling
    But both must be presnted upon page upload.

Hope I explained the issue clearly.

  • This site is mine, for my wix code work promotion.

Thanks a lot,

the page has a new name:

I have sent the below document as a PDF already to some people here, but I paste it here for you. Bit less readable, but this should answer your question. It´s about Google Sheets, but it works the same for everything you want to do in the html-component: “wait for it to fully load”.

The Wix HTML-component and Google Sheets
This article describes how to display a different Google Sheet (per Item) on every Wix Dynamic
page. The data for the sheet is read from the database and then displayed inside the Wix
The problem
Let us assume that we have a Dynamic page with an html-component called
Also, after having the Google sheet published, we would have (after a bit of tweaking, more on
that later) a code snippet to it like this;

At first, I sent the Google code for that sheet to the html-component using this HTML inside the component´s properties:
using, inside the Wix Page, this to trigger it; $w("#ifrGoogleSheetsDocs").postMessage(txtMessage); $w("#ifrGoogleSheetsDocs").show(); txtMessage held the Google Sheets snippet, read from the database. The html-component was HiddenOnLoad, so the .Show(), well, … shows it. The problem was: this worked fine in Preview Mode, but in Publish mode, it did not show the Sheet at all. The cause Although the above code was inside a $w.onload, it turned out that this onLoad only is valid for the main page, NOT the html-components inside it. When your page is run and it encounters the html-component, a separate process is spawned, completely asynchronous from the main page. So what then happens is this: 1: the main page with all the code does NOT wait for the html-component to load, it just goes on with the next instruction, while 2: in another process, the html-component is loaded, the html is parsed, the DOM populated, the html executed and THEN the component is ready. And that moment may come later then the main page encounters the above .postMessage. So, the main page sends a message (holding the Google Sheet html) earlier than the htmlcomponent is ready. The result is that the main page sends a message to the component that doesn´t listen yet and therefore the html is not received, thus not displayed. Preview vs. Publish But why did it work in Preview mode and not in Publish Mode? Well, have you never noticed that when you press Preview, the screen doesn´t flicker and the page is not reloaded? That is because, if you look at the Wix code inside your browser, Preview Mode is just a CSS-class that turns off a couple of controls when in Editing mode. This means, the html-component was already loaded (you have been looking at it for half an hour while in Editing Mode) and thus it was more than ready to receive the message. But in Publish Mode, everything has to be loaded fresh, and there we run into our problem. The solution All Wix examples regarding the html-component let the Main program start a conversation and then the html-component answers. What we want is to turn it around: that the htmlcomponent starts the conversation and the main program listens and answers back. So, we have to roll our own “onReady” for the html-component. Only when it is ready to receive a message, then we send the Google Sheets snippet. So how do we do that? Well, it goes like this: 1) when the component is ready (the BODY onLoad = ... inside its HTML), send a message to the main program that it is so, using window.onmessage inside the html-component´s html; 2) the main program must wait until it receives a message from the component (using the .onMessage from the html-component). Only then will it send the Google Sheets string using .postmessage 3) the html inside the component must now put the received code into a block (like a DIV) to be displayed using .innerHtml. 4) done The code This goes into the html-component:
Note: the “LoadOK” message could be anything, like “You´re holding it wrong” or “Done”. It´s not about WHAT the component sends, it´s about THAT it sends. The white background color is of course up to you to set differently, or not at all. This goes into the main program: datasetname and fieldname (and maybe ifrGoogleSheetsDocs) should be replaced by your own names. let urlMessage = $w('#datasetname').getCurrentItem().fieldname; $w("#ifrGoogleSheetsDocs").onMessage( (event) => { $w("#ifrGoogleSheetsDocs").postMessage(urlMessage); }); Google Sheets tweaks Google Sheets gives us a code snippet which we can paste into a page. Thing is, if you use it as as, it shows a sheets with tabs and a bottom bar. I wanted to get rid of that and only show the sheet itself. In Google Sheets documentation I found these settings: •gid=1674242611 - This is the sheet ID •range=A1:B14 - The range you want to display. •widget=false - If false, there's no sheet tab displayed at the bottom •headers=false - Row numbers and column letters are not displayed. •chrome=false - Title and footer is not displayed. Also, width and height can be set to a percentage. If you want to get rid of the gridlines, you will have to set that inside the sheet itself. Written by: All statements made are mine and not endorsed or verified by Wix.

Thanks! it’s working:)

Hey @Giri,

Very nice! I’m nominating you for a Nobel prize.

Thank you Giri! I think I have the same problem with Yisrael example in mobile browsers. The solution would be similar?