Hi all,
So I’ve created a customer form that creates a theatre production biography page, I managed to get all the elements to work apart from the Rich text uploading to the database; I’ve followed every step from this article and have managed to get it to communicate to a text element.
I have connected the text element to the Dataset so it can read the correct cell (Production Biog) [rich text] and it can read any of the data already created previously by entering it directly into the WIX Database system.
Though it can read from the dataset and receive communication from the HTML element. How do I now get the text element to communicate with the submit button and upload the information in the text element to the rich text cell in the database?
Sorry if this doesn’t make 100% sense.
Any help would be much appreciated
Have you connected the field to the correct field in the dataset? Then add a button and click the database connection icon and connect that button to the submit action and it will save the post.
Hi Andreas,
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Yes I have done that, I have noticed that the submit button/action doesn’t recognise when the text element changes from the Rich Text Editor, so it doesn’t update anything. Whereas when I change/ upload an image and then click submit it recognises the upload input button change but doesn’t recognise the Text element change.
Thank you for contacting us.
We are investigating and reply as soon as we have any feedback.
Best regards,
i have a similer problem
i crreated a form and connected all the field to the database
but cannot connect the rich text,
i added text box from user input but the interface does not allow you to connect the rich text fields its disable.
Change the field type to text in the database if it doesn’t let you create a new field then set it to text and it should work.
Its impossible put rich text in a form. You only can edit in Wixdatabase.
Well that seems unacceptable. I create databases for customers. There should be a more straightforward way for them to add/edit rich text content without having to access the database from the wix site editor.