HTTP functions images

Hi there!

I’m connecting my own wix website’s data with another company’s website. The other website is just plain HTML, CSS and Javascript. I’m trying to connect data by create HTTP functions in the backend. Now I can get data from my collection and display then on the other html website. This works great!

However, when I want to use images from the database I run into some problems. The JSON file that is created uses a link for a image starting with wix:image://. I can’t use this in my html. Does anyone know how I can display images from the database in a html file using HTTP functions?

Thanks in advance!

See Creating a URL for a media file or The truth about getFileURL for information regarding media file URLs.

In the Example: MyApi and MyApiClient , the client app retrieves data from the server app. The data includes an image that is in the server’s database. However, the images are displayed on a standard Wix page and not in a plain HTML function.

Thank you for responding!

I’ve studied the links that you’ve mentioned and I wasn’t able to find what I’m looking for. Because in the example the data is loaded in a wix site. So you can use an url with wix:image:// but in html you can’t. So is there a way to get a url from an image in the database that I can use throughout the whole web instead of just wix?

@quin48090 See Wix Editor: Retrieving the URL of an Image . Once you get one image URL, the same pattern should apply to the rest of them.