Here is my current working code.
// Get the button and slider elements
let button72 = $w('#button72'); // Replace with the actual ID of button72
let slider1 = $w('#slider1');
let button71 = $w('#button71'); // Replace with the actual ID of button71
let button69 = $w('#button69'); // Replace with the actual ID of button69
let button74 = $w('#button74'); // Replace with the actual ID of button74
// Add an event handler to the slider to update buttons when it changes
slider1.onChange((event) => {
// Get the numeric value from button72 (you may need to adjust this based on your button's structure)
const buttonValue = parseFloat(button72.label.replace('$', ''));
// Get the current value of the slider as a number
const sliderValue = parseFloat(;
// Check if both values are valid numbers
if (!isNaN(sliderValue) && !isNaN(buttonValue)) {
// Calculate the result by multiplying the values
const result = sliderValue * buttonValue;
// Update button71 with the calculated result (including the dollar symbol)
button71.label = `$${result.toFixed(2)}`; // Display the result as a dollar price
// Extract the letter from button74's text
const letter = button74.label.replace(/\d/g, ''); // Extracts non-digit characters (letters)
// Update button69 to show the slider value with the extracted letter
button69.label = `${sliderValue.toFixed(0)}${letter}`; // Display the slider value with the letter
$w.onReady(function () {
const slider = $w('#slider1');
// Get the data for the current dynamic page from CMS
const currentItem = $w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem();
if (currentItem) {
// Get the minimum and maximum values from CMS using the field keys
const minValue = parseFloat(currentItem.sliderMinValueInput); // Convert the text value to a number
const maxValue = parseFloat(currentItem.stocknumber); // Convert the text value to a number
const stepValue = parseFloat(currentItem.sliderMinValueInput); // Covert the text value to a number
// Set the slider minimum and maximum values based on the CMS values
slider.min = minValue;
slider.max = maxValue;
slider.step = stepValue;
// Event handler for the minimum value input field (CMS value)
slider.onChange(() => {
const sliderValue = parseFloat(slider.value); // Get the current slider value
// Your other code here for button interactions
import { cart } from 'wix-stores';
$w("#button76").onClick(() => {
const productId = $w("#text92").text; // Retrieve the product ID
const quantityString = $w("#button69").label; // Retrieve the quantity as a string
// Remove non-numeric characters (letters) and convert to a number
const quantity = Number(quantityString.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ''));
if (!productId || isNaN(quantity) || quantity <= 0) {
console.error("Please enter a valid quantity.");
// Add the product to the cart with the cleaned quantity
.then((updatedCart) => {
// Product added to the cart
const cartId = updatedCart._id;
const cartLineItems = updatedCart.lineItems;
.catch((error) => {
Now what i want to achieve in this code,
I want users to input the custom text like their username.
I used the code from Wix itself and adjusted it.
Wix code:
.then((customShirtText) => {
let FrontOfShirtText = customShirtText[0]; // ‘Hello’
let BackOfShirtText = customShirtText[1]; // ‘World’
.catch((error) => {
My Code
.then((customShirtText) => {
let FrontOfShirtText = CharacterID[0]; // ‘Hello’
.catch((error) => {
Also the #getProduct is a textinput field but i keep getting error message
Property text does not exist on textinput