I don't arrive creating extra pages

Hello ,
I want to create my new website based on this template Hotel Template | WIX
There is a nice Home button and on the homepage you can scroll down and up , lovely.
All the pages work exactly as i want .
However i want more pages who appear on the list but also are visible when you scroll on the homepage.
I tried a lot of things and things happen , but not what i want.
It looks that i don’t understand how it’s build up.
So i want additional pages about SPORT , TRIPS , HEALTY etc
How do i do this ?
Thank you for your help

duplicate a page and edit it to what you want. Then on th ehome page you can duplicate a strip and then edit the elements.

Hello Dan ,
Thank you for the information.
Duplicate a page or part of the page and edit is OK.
But in the menu i can copy paste and edit name , but the button in the menu list doesn’t link to the page i want .
i don’t know if you kan have acces with this link ?Log In to Your Wix Account - Wix.com
It should be simple … i know .

have a look here for support on menus

the only way to give someone access to the site you are designing is adding them as a contributor.