I get 404 when running http-functions.js with wixBookings

Hi Guys,

I’m hitting a wall and tried to search for answers. This is my current http-functions.js (auto-generated when I created the file)

import {ok, badRequest} from 'wix-http-functions';

export function get_example(request) {
 const response = {
 "headers": {
 "Content-Type": "application/json"

 // Get operation from the request path
 const operation = request.path[0]; // "multiply"
 const leftOperand = parseInt(request.query["leftOperand"], 10); // 3
 const rightOperand = parseInt(request.query["rightOperand"], 10); // 4

 // Perform the requested operation and return an OK response
 // with the answer in the response body
 switch (operation) {
 case 'add':
        response.body = {
 "sum": leftOperand + rightOperand
 return ok(response);
 case 'multiply':
        response.body = {
 "product": leftOperand * rightOperand
 return ok(response);
 // If the requested operation was not found, return a Bad Request
 // response with an error message in the response body
        response.body = {
 "error": "unknown operation"
 return badRequest(response);

The above code works and returns the proper result.

When I try to edit this and just add even an “import wixBookings from ‘wix-bookings’;” I will get a 404 .

Or if I replace the whole file with this one I will get also a 404:

import {ok, badRequest} from 'wix-http-functions';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixBookings from 'wix-bookings';

export function get_myBookings(request){
	let options = {
		"headers": {
			"Content-Type": "application/json"
	let serviceId = "validServiceId";
	return wixBookings.getServiceAvailability(serviceId)
	.then( (availability) => {
		let slots = availability.slots;
		let firstSlot = slots[0];
	} );


Thank you so much in advance for your positive reply.