I have a website with dynamic pages on different software and I need to add a search bar for users to find the software they need with just simple input and a button. The user should be able to find what they need without the need to type whole name in search bar. I was looking through the code available on Velo, which didn’t work for me. It seems like I am missing a major part of code so I need a code from scratch.
- I have content table connected to a seperate dynamic page “Search”. There is a column in content table “softwareName” from which the search has to take place. I have connected this search page through “dataset1”
- I have added an input bar with ID “input1” and a button for user to click for searching as “searchButton1”
- I added a repeater as “repeater1”
What I understand- I have to filter the content coming from dataset by comparing the software names in content column to the user input after button is pressed. So maybe I need a way to refresh the repeater content according to the filter. But still I need a code from scratch. Thanks in advance.