I need to collect more information from site members.

I use default sign up page in my site and I built a custom form in users’ profile page. However I want to store datas from that custom form in a collection named MembersInfo separately from PrivateMembersData. First three fields of MembersInfo collection should get the login email, name and surname of current users from PrivateMembersData. All other fields should be filled according to the custom form that a user will complete so that I’ll be able to know which user has completed the form. I couldn’t figure out how to do this, pls help me!

If you are using the Members Private Members Data collection then you have the Wix Members app added to your website.

For that Members collection these are the field details that you can use in code, however you can not add anymore to this dataset.

If you call this dataset in your code, say in a data query for example, then you will need to call it by its full name of ‘Members/PrivateMembersData’ and not just simply ‘PrivateMembersData’.

If you want to show more info on a Members profile page for example, then you will need to create another dataset, like in this Members Profile tutorial here that has a dataset called ‘Members’

You can create your own custom login and signup lightboxes if you wish too and on your signup lightbox you can create user elements to collect more user info than just the basic first and last names, email address and password that is on the Wix window currently.

Thanks for your help however I couldn’t figure out how to do.

I am trying to use the code below but it’s not working at all. Dataset2 is connected to PrivateMembersData. Dataset1 is connected to new collection.

import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w.onReady( function () {
$w(“#input6”).value = $w(‘#dataset2’).getCurrentItem().loginEmail


export function Submit_click(event, $w) {

    $w('#dataset1').setFieldValue('loginEmail', $w('#input6').value); 

    $w('#dataset1').setFieldValue('cinsiyet', $w('#dropdown1').value); 

    $w('#dataset1').setFieldValue('yas', $w('#input4').value); 

    $w('#dataset1').setFieldValue('kilo', $w('#input5').value); 


Have a look at the setField Value or setFieldValues reference in Wix API reference.

Also, regarding the Members PrivateMembersData collection, of which I linked to on my previous reply, when you add a dataset to the page then you need to connect it to the PrivateMembersData collection itself.

It will then connect the dataset to your Members/PrivateMembersData collection and rename the dataset with the exact same name too.