I managed to add toggle’able additional text into my main text. Is there a possibility to change the background of the toggle text? I searched the code API explanations, but when i use that code, the word style is underlined red, as if there was a mistake in it.
Here is the line i put into my code:
Thanks, but your solution makes my text invisible. #Dproc01 is i guess a text element? As in the Wix visual editor i have the option “Edit text”, but nothing else.
When i look at the source in browser its:
Well you need to format everything when using html so set color=‘#000000’ if you want it balck and so on. All formatting get lost when you use HTML. your text here
Looking at source code from browser i see, that the text i have entered via Wix visual editor is inside a div. And i manage to toggle that div open and close. How come i am not able to change the style of that div through code?
I still think it should be possible somehow…