ID of items within an element

I would like to hide a free text box on a product page unless an option from a dropdown box is selected. I am aware that you can select hidden or collapsed in the Dev mode properties & events box, but it only has 1 ID for the whole of the product page. Is there a way to get the ID of the individual elements within the wider product page (ID #productPage1?)

I think you will never get an answer to your question! Why???

  1. You do not provide your current working (not working code).
  2. You do not describe your project setup (which elements are used for example).
  3. You also do not describe in detail the flow of your project.

And on the top, working with APPs, → you are talking about → PRODUCT-PAGE ← → and this is a part of the → Wix-Stores-App <–, not everything is possible, when working with predefined apps.

Take a look in the VELO-API-DOCS, and find all provided APIs, which hits your situation.