Identical site monitoring events are sent multiple of times after using ?


I observed that after switching pages using, the logs that I emitted from a page is sent multple of times as site monitoring events.

I created two pages, each has a button to switch the page to the other page. The page also emit one log upon onReady().

The code for page one (HOME):

import wixLocation from 'wix-location'

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w('#button1').onClick(() => {'/updatecollection');


The for page two (updatelocation)

import wixLocation from 'wix-location'

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w('#button2').onClick(() => {'/home');

The sequence I observed is as follows:

  1. Load ‘HOME’ to the browser → one log entry is emitted to Site Event as expected.

  2. Click the button to go to ‘updatecollection’ page → two (sometimes three) log entries are emitted to Site Event (expected: only one entry is sent).

  3. Click the button to go to ‘HOME’ page → three (sometimes four) log entries are emitted to Site Event (expected: only one entry is sent)

Repeate step 2 and 3, and the number of site events are keep increasing.
Note that the log shown in the browser’s dev tool is correct (only one log entry, per page switching). So I suspect there is problem in the Wix code that send the logs as Site Events.

The site that reproduces the problem is here:

I also prepared the video captures here: wix-events.mp4 - Google Drive

I have the same problem. Seems to have started a month ago. Have you found a resolution?