Where can I find some BEGINNER database and dynamic pages help? I see lots of YouTube videos, but they aren’t the same as the WIX site, I’m just not connecting something in my head. This is all SQUARE pegs and ROUND holes, just NOT fitting. WHATS these things for? I can’t tell if I need it because I’m too confused on the purpose! HELP PLEASE.
So databases are used for storing data .
Lets say you have a team of people and you want to store all their information in one place.
You can create a database collection for it and add all of this information on your team members (name, phone number, DOB etc).
It would look something like this:
Now a dynamic page is a one-page template which you can connect to your database.
You can use it to display different content from your collection, while maintaining the same design.
You can design the layout of a single dynamic page. Then, connect the elements on the page to a collection to display different items or groups of items.
For example, if you would want to display every member of this your team (you stored the information about all its members in your database) and create pages for them - instead of creating a separate page for each one of them - you can just use a dynamic page that you connect to a dataset, you design it once and then all your members are displayed one by one while the layout is the same but data is different for each of the members because it is coming from your database.
It would look like that:
Read more on this in the articles: