Image File Name Not Showing In HTML Source Code for Background Images


I’m experiencing something very strange regarding image file names in Wix. I’m working on optimizing image names and Alt tags for pages I want to rank on Google.

Images that are specifically background images (take up an entire section) - these for some reason when seen in the HTML code are not displaying the correct image name, rather a long string of letters and numbers (see screenshot). On the flip side, sections that contain images (not taking up the entire section) do show the correct image name.

Q: Any idea why this is occurring and can I manually change the the image name in the HTML code? Wondering if anyone has experienced something similar.


(if you inspect my hero image at the top - it reads:,h_385,al_c,q_85,enc_auto/e643cf_b059837550ab46ed9ccebc39619d429f~mv2.jpg (this is not the file name in Wix)

This is the file name in Wix I need to show for SEO purposes: Clean-Home-Theory-Expert-House-Cleaning-Services-Homepage-Warm-Sunny-Living-Room.jpg


Since images in most cases have been uploaded via the Media Manager, it means they’re hosted with Wix systems, hence the URL referring to them via a string of letters and numbers (ensuring unique URLs for images across all sites).

I’m no SEO expert, but I see the image has the relevant ALT text attached to it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply Noah - yeah I’m thankful for the ALT text still there :slight_smile:

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