Image not showing in repeater (Coded in)

So I had a developer built a repeater page for me, and the repeater elements are all hard coded in rather than connected using that little connector icon.
Which is fine I thought - I will just use the same format to add a picture to the repeater
However this doesn’t seem to be working???

Code snippet below, bold what i added - i had just added a placeholder image to reference.
But they all just display the placeholder

function repeaterData($item, itemData, index) {
    $item('#rTitle').text = itemData.courseTitle;
    $item('#rCourseTypes').text = translateCourseTypes(itemData.category);
    $item('#rTourOperator').text = itemData.tourOperator;
    $item('#rCountry').text =;
    **$item('#tripimage').image = itemData.mainimage;**

    $item('#rPrice').text = itemData.priceconverted1.toFixed(0);
    $item('#rDays').text = itemData.days.toFixed(0);
    $item('#rAbility').text = itemData.ability;
    $item('#rSkiAreas').text = itemData.skiArea;

    $item('#rLearnMore').link = itemData.tripUrl;
    $item('#rInstagram').link = itemData.instagram;

    $item('#rStart').text = formatDate(itemData.start);

    for (let i = 1; i < 17; i++) {
        let id = '#rStart' + i;
        let key = 'start' + i;

        try {

            let $dateItem = $item(id);
            $dateItem.text = "";
            if (itemData[key]) {
                $dateItem.text = formatDate(itemData[key])

        } catch (error) {


Dear founder53806,
I noticed you used the wrong code for the image. You used $item(‘#tripimage’).image = itemData.mainimage; but the correct code will be
$item(‘#tripimage’).src= itemData.mainimage;.
Hope it will be helpful for you.
Thank you

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thank you - sorry I didnt’ get notified of your reply sooner!