Import single colum csv in database


i got a really annoying problem, that would save me a huge amount of time, so hope someone can help me.

I’ve got a pretty huge database (700 rows and 25 colums). In a csv file saved offline, i got 2 colums i need to add to the database. Here comes the issue: once i import the csv, it imports the values correctly, but they are not inserted ‘‘between’’ the existing colums, but the system actually creates additional rows for each value i insert. The final result is that, after the import, i have a database made by 1400 rows: the first 700 only contain value for the imported columns, the other 700 contain the old existing table.

Do you know a way to sole this issue? the manual way would be really long ( i have to copy and paste 700 x 2 colums values =1400, it would be very time consuming.

Thank you in advance, hope someone can help me


Ps. i can’t export the entire database > insert in excel the new 2 colums > and then import again, because some colums are imagines, so informations won’t be kept in the export.

Hi, Andrea.

If there is no other way, you might be able to write a routine to look up a record and then call the wixData.update() method to update the 2 columns in question (this presupposes that you have first inserted the 2 columns into the database collection in question).

Sorry, i guess there’s a huge problem for wix. I’ve never written the text above. The title is correct, but the text i wrote was different!

Can you click on the vertical ellipsis (3 dots) and edit the text?

yeah, i did, and also opened a ticket to the support. You saw the right message, it’s just me that see the body text of another post. So, your answer was related to the right text. I wait sometime to see if someone has an easier solution. thank you btw