i got a really annoying problem, that would save me a huge amount of time, so hope someone can help me.
I’ve got a pretty huge database (700 rows and 25 colums). In a csv file saved offline, i got 2 colums i need to add to the database. Here comes the issue: once i import the csv, it imports the values correctly, but they are not inserted ‘‘between’’ the existing colums, but the system actually creates additional rows for each value i insert. The final result is that, after the import, i have a database made by 1400 rows: the first 700 only contain value for the imported columns, the other 700 contain the old existing table.
Do you know a way to sole this issue? the manual way would be really long ( i have to copy and paste 700 x 2 colums values =1400, it would be very time consuming.
Thank you in advance, hope someone can help me
Ps. i can’t export the entire database > insert in excel the new 2 colums > and then import again, because some colums are imagines, so informations won’t be kept in the export.