Important information to all Wix Coders

There is a lot of things going on now with deployment of new stuff from Wix Code team in different countries and regions. This will probably make your life a bit unsteady for a while but do remember this:

  • Wix Code is a beta product and beta products usually are not this stable at all in my opinion.

So when you have issues, remember this, it’s a beta product you are playing around with. It is not ready for production as beta but I still have production sites since november last year that works great. But do know this, anything can change are you must be prepare to change things according to this.

I love Wix Code more than I have ever loved some other software for building sites so I will keep on working and deliver production sites but you must have this in mind when everything goes bananas and you rip your hair off. Wix Code is beta.


Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your information post.

So I think that it’s why sticky headers are running slower than usual right now … :frowning:

Kevin Dang

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