Increment Button with 1

i am new with wix code so i need to know how can i use buttons that will increment text with 1 when the user click and then i need the number of clicks to be stored in database and then maker this number the same when the page is reloaded. thanks in advance.

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Hello Rajaa,

To do that follow the following steps:

  • add a text box with an initial value (ex: 0)
  • add a button, and add on click event for the button

-inside the on click function add the code to increment the value of the text

  • get the value of the text

  • parse it to integer

  • add one to it

  • set the text back to it
    -to save the value in the collection use to insert function –here
    -to keep the value after refresh save it in the session and set it to the text on page load –here

that’s how the code wold look like:

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import {session} from 'wix-storage';

$w.onReady(function () {
//if there is a value saved in the session set the text to it
        $w('#text1').text = session.getItem('count')


export function button1_click(event) {
 //to add one to the original value 
 let count = parseInt($w('#text1').text, 10) + 1
    $w('#text1').text = count.toString()
 //to inset it in the collectin
 let toInsert = {
 "title": count
    // insert to collection
    wixData.insert("myCollection", toInsert)
    // update session value
    session.setItem("count", count)


thanks a lot massa, but how can i see this data when i create it ?

check this out to know how to set up a Database collection.
