I’ve been scouring the API reference page trying to find something to allow me to initiate code when leaving a page.
Essentially what I’m after is when the user onClicks a Mobile Menu item, it will allow me to scrollTo() and hide() an element.
There doenst seem to be any API for Mobile Menus.
Now not all comps have some API. Mobile menu is one of those… At this point you cant bind any events to it and i don’t think there is a workaround for it - may be some button?..
Lightbox to “recreate” the same navigation functionality as the mobile menu? Would that be a good way to go about it?
Yes i think, we have some API for LightBox
Problem is that you will need to diversify mobile and desktop version, hide and show comps depending on it - https://www.wix.com/code/reference/wix-window.html#formFactor
I’m assuming making one page with both mobile/desktop versions on it… hide/show as you mentioned based upon formFactor is better for site load/performance than having two separate pages right?