Input search field not working with dropdown filter

Hi - I’ve set up a dropdown filter and input box to filter a repeater. However the input search field only works if it is used the first time on the page, ie if I’ve tried to filter by dropdown filter and then a new search with input search it doesn’t work. I’ve set a clear search button which clears. The input field also doesn’t clear previous searches which I would like it to do. Could anyone help please.

import wixData from "wix-data";

$w.onReady(function () {
  $w("#image37").fitMode = "fit";

$w.onReady(() => {

let lastFilterTitle;
let lastFilterType;
let debounceTimer;
export function iTitle_keyPress(event) {
 if (debounceTimer) {
    debounceTimer = undefined;
  debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => {
    filter($w('#iTitle').value, lastFilterType);  
  }, 500);

export function iELType_change(event) {
  filter(lastFilterTitle, $w('#iELType').value);

function filter(title, type) {
 if (lastFilterTitle !== title || lastFilterType !== type) {
 let newFilter = wixData.filter();
 if (title)
      newFilter = newFilter.contains('name', title);
 if (type)
      newFilter = newFilter.contains('type', type);
    lastFilterTitle = title; 
    lastFilterType = type;

function loadExternalLinksType() {
    .then(res => {
 let options = [{"value": '', "label": 'All'}];
      options.push( => {
 return {"value": type.title, "label": type.title};
      $w('#iELType').options = options;

export function clear_click(event) {
$w("#iELType").placeholder = "All";
$w("#iELType").value = null;
$w("#iTitle").value = "";
