Input Value Redirect

I have an input filed on my page, I want when someone enters the number ‘182042’ will be redirected to ’
And if they enter incorrect numbers a fail text will show.
Please, can someone give me the code for this?
Thanks in advance,

You can use ‘if’ statement for verifying the inserted text, and then use ‘wix-location’ for the url navigation.
You can find here an example for ‘wix-location’ usage.

Please let me know if you need help

Please can you give me the code for this time?

Lets say we have a text component with id=‘#text1’ and a button with id=‘#button1
You’d like to have something like this:

import wixLocation from 'wix-location';
// ...

export function button1_click(event, $w) {
 if ($w('#text1') === '182042') {"/admin-students")
    } else {
        //show a fail text

Dear Eli Yadgar,
It is working as wanted. Thank you very-very much!!!