Ahhhhhhh, i am going crazy xD
The ERROR is in this line —> forgot a closing—> )
else {console.log("No matching data found in DB.")}
Coding always has something like this xD
Unfortunately, it fixed red error. But still redirecting to the same page.
Also, Why you added 3000ms delay to the code ?
Just to give you time to take a look into console for 3-secs, because else you will be redirected and you won’t have enough time to take a look onto results.
Perhaps i should just reconctruct all your project and give you a working example instead of theoretical thoughts xD.
One moment …
Here you can test the function and see how it works…
Working code…
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixLocation from'wix-location';
var DATABASE = "TEST-DB" //<---- put in here the ID of your new DB !
var inputDATAFIELD = "index" //<-- put in here the ID of your input- DATAFIELD (INDEX)
var outputDATAFIELD = "url" //<-- This will be the output ---> URL
var myValue
myValue = $w('#input1').value
console.log("My value "+ myValue +" setted!")
$w('#button1').onClick(()=>{console.log("Button-1 clicked!")
function searchIndex(VALUE){console.log("Searchfunction started. Value = ", VALUE)
.then(async(results) => {
let items = await results.items; console.log(items)
if(items.length > 0) {console.log("Item found! Redirection starts in 3-secs.")
let myURL = await results.items[0][outputDATAFIELD]; console.log("Item-URL: ", myURL)
}else {console.log("No matching data found in DB.")}
It has just one little difference to your version. My version uses STRING instead of NUMBERS for —> “index”
The delay of the 3-sec example also works like expected…
Of course you can set any time you need…
Change this code-part and test it by yourself.
@russian-dima No matching data found in DB. I also changed it to my DB id
@madsteer Ok, my friend! xDDDD
I gave you now so much informations, even a working example with code and a table-viewer. If you are not able to solve it till tomorrow, you can contact me on my site or in my profile and i will help you.
Problem solved?