Integrate PayPal Subscriptions with Wix Code

In this teaser I am showing you that integrations between PayPal and Wix Code is now working and every transaction is stored inside a Data Collection in Wix Code.

This flow is crucial for us in the upcoming course on how to create a full blown membership site with user roles, payments, subscriptions and every else automatically activated roles and also deactivated when subscriptions end.

In the video we have added a PayPal Subscription Button to our page and just clicked it!

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It is a pity that in Kazakhstan PayPal does not work :frowning:

It doesn’t… is it coming? Do yo uhave Stripe?

No, I meant that we have on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the online payment service Pay pal is not possible to use. But there are other companies available similar services. For example: PAY BOX. But they do not have compatibility with wix com, there is only the possibility of creating buttons with a certain price.