Is it possible to use Corvid API from an external non-Wix website?

I have Wix Premium, and let’s assume I don’t have a website on Wix. I have an external website that has a simple email subscription form–a form where visitors enter their email addresses and the get saved somewhere. That somewhere is a collection on Wix. Is it possible to use Corvid API (e.g. wix-crm) from the external website to push/save the email to the subscription list on Wix?

Thank you in advance!

You need to expose your site’s API using HTTP functions . Then you can make a post request to your site’s endpoint and use the wix crm function on the backend

Thank you, shan.

Is that the only option? The assumption was I won’t have a website on Wix.

You cannot use Corvid APIs if you don’t have a website on Wix. You need at least a free website, that’ll work too.

Thank you!