Is there a way to dynamically update available options in a Selection Tags element?

Hi @anthony!

It’s not much of a code. They code that I have tried to refresh the dataset to which Selection Tags element is connected to is this:

$w('#dynamicDataset').onReady(() => {

To give a more complete context, I added to a page a dataset that contains list of items, then I added Selection Tags element and connected it to the dataset to have the Selection Tags element pull its tag options from the dataset. No code involved. I got the idea from this Wix Forum post.

That worked fine, no issues there. However, if I click on a button on the page to remove an item from collection that the dataset is connected to and refresh the dataset using the code above, the options in Selection Tags are not updated.

I would think that if an item has been removed from a collection and a dataset has been refreshed to pull in updated list of items from a collection, the Selection Tags element would also get updated to only show the options for available items, but it doesn’t do that.

Just to confirm that the dataset was refreshed and contains updated data, I connected a repeater to the same dataset that the Selection Tags element is connected to. The repeater accurately updated when item was removed from a collection and dataset refreshed. Once dataset was refreshed, the repeater no longer showed the item that was removed, but the options in Selection Tags element weren’t updated.