@bengenhes You are right. Both solutions can be a bit overwhelming when you are just starting out. Why not try a golden oldy. I still use it myself:https://girizano.wixsite.com/codecorner/post/send-email-thru-gmail-and-others-in-wix-code
IIt has everything in one place and is quite easy to do. Good luck.
@giri-zano Hi Giri, thank you for your kind reply and your empathy. As I mentioned before, I’m new to the web-oriented programming languages. As so, I don’t want to get any problem regarding the security of my potential users who will receive email from my site. Because I know I don’t have that knowledge for now and won’t have it in any close future to deal with these problems. So, that leads me to use the well-proven Gmail service, from the first hand. I think that will be good for everyone.
Regardless of this concern, the potential inbox/spam issue regarding other service providers, and the cost of these services, hold me back from using the services like those of the sendGrid, which is an easy option presented in the Wix’ tutorial, or even much easier solutions such as mailjet or Ascend form.