Just Giving embed code doesn't work!?

Has anyone had any trouble with embed codes not working? Trying to add a chariry donation button, and nothing shows up. Is this new to the new wix studio? Thanks

Hi, @user2122 !!

Why don’t you try wrapping that script tag with an <html> or <body> tag and see what happens? :thinking:

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No Bueno! Thank you though. Im going to have to get answers from just giving i think!

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Honestly, today was the first time I learned about the JustGiving platform. A platform where you can support someone’s challenge like this is really cool! I think I’ll check it out from time to time to see what kind of challenges people are taking on.

By the way, I also did a quick search about donation buttons, and I came across an article that made me think my initial assumption might not have been too far off.



I copied the button script from an image in the article and tried it myself. For now, I was able to display the button just by setting it up this way, so give it a try and see if it works for you too! :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: :raised_hands:

<!DOCTYPE html>


  <script src="https://www.staging.justgiving.com/widgets/scripts/widget.js" data-version="2.0" data-widgetType="donateButton" data-linkType="givingCheckout" data-donateButtonType="justgivingSmall" data-linkId="duvscamr0r" data-marketCode="US" data-showPaymentLogos="true" type="text/javascript"></script>
