Lightbox Close Error

As of ~1-2 weeks ago, the following code was working fine. However, as of 3 days ago, it stopped working.

The lightbox will only close in preview mode but not in a published site.

This code is in a members section so you must be logged in to even see the lightbox in the first place.

import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;

$w . onReady ( function () {

**const**  data  =  wixWindow . lightbox . getContext (); 

$w ( '#input5' ). value  =  data . zipCode ; 
$w ( '#dropdown1' ). value  =  data . beds ; 
$w ( '#input3' ). value  =  data . baths ; 
$w ( '#input4' ). value  =  data . sqFt ; 
$w ( '#addressInput1' ). value  =  data . address ; 

$w ( '#button1' ). onClick (( event ) => { 
    wixWindow . lightbox . close ({ 
        "lightBoxSend1" :  $w ( '#input5' ). value , 
        "lightBoxSend2" :  $w ( '#dropdown1' ). value , 
        "lightBoxSend3" :  parseFloat ( $w ( '#input3' ). value ), 
        "lightBoxSend4" :  parseInt ( $w ( '#input4' ). value ), 
        "lightBoxSend5" :  $w ( '#addressInput1' ). value , 

        "lightBoxSend6" :  **true** 

$w ( '#button3' ). onClick (( event ) => { 
    wixWindow . lightbox . close ({ 
        "lightBoxSend6" :  **false** 


Hi! Need some console logs to help you better.

Ok sure - what should I log?