Lightbox Doesn't Redirect Form

How Can I make this redirect work on my lightbox? Here’s a 30 second video about whats happening:

As you can notice the form itself it’s an embbeded form. It’s from Kajabi and this is the code of the form:

The code and the form itself works fine on Kajabi and I have also added it to a wordpress website, using a lightbox there as well and the redirect works just fine as you can see here:

Is there a way for me to make this work on Wix Lightbox?

Since you are using the code inside the iframe, the link will also open in the iframe. For security reasons, that will not work as cross-origin communication is often restricted for security reasons.

You can use the Wix Form to Collect user data and redirect users to your thank you page. You can also send the sign-up bonus/benefits via automation.

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Thank you, I’ll see how I can do that.