Lightbox in repeater instead of google maps?

so it is now clear that wix does not allow you to insert a html code item inside a repeater .
I am working on a small travel agency site where users search for a specific location and they are redirected to a page with results from my database. Once people are redirected, they see all the information they want about that specific location including a google map. This map has to change with the location in the database. instead of having a google map in my repeater i put a thumbnail picture instead and once you hover over that, a lightbox appears with google maps and the relevant address that is pulled from the database. it is working but it is only giving me the first address in my database and not the address according to my search filters.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did you use code, or how did you do it? I do not see any code?

no code…a repeater, a thumbnail image inside the repeater and on mouse over the thumbnail image the light box appears with google maps in it. Is it possible to link the google maps to my database so the map changes according to the input it gathers from the location in the database ?

I do not know if it is possible to achieve this without using code, but with code it could be possible to do it (on my opinion).

i have seen it done so i know for sure it is possible with code. Unfortunately i dont have enough experience with Coding to know how…can you help ?