Lightboxes and Dynamic Page Data

Hello all,

I have a set of dynamic pages containing recipes connected to a data source that has an image, title, description, video, etc. The initial setup is fine.

What I’m looking to do is having the image be clickable and open up a Lightbox displaying a video. This is fine as a one-shot, but I cannot seem to get the dynamic page’s video to be loaded into the Lightbox’s Video Player; it simply keeps the initially linked video from when it was created.

Is there a way to “tell” the Lightbox that I want it to load the video of the dynamic page?


Hey @leecombs_30 !

There is actually. You’ll need to use a little bit of Velo, but it’ll be totally worth it!

Here’s a Velo Forum post about it:

If you get stuck, the Velo forum is a great place to get help with this :slight_smile:

That’s great, and got me to where I needed to be. I’ve got the functionality down now. Thanks!

Amazing! Glad it helped :slight_smile: