Limit on Lightboxes?

Is there a limit on the number of lightboxes Wix can handle on one site? I am creatively using Lightboxes on a couple of my pages and all of a sudden, I am getting unusual errors. Is there a limit I am unaware of?

There is no limit that we are aware of.
How many lightboxes are we talking about? 10? 100? 1000?

It was going to be around 30-40 but I have re-thought one section, so it is only around 8 now.

I’m having similar problems. I’m using lightboxes to hold larger image of a small thumbnail that is found on our page. It worked fine for the first 4 lightboxes but all the lightboxes after that show just the larger image that is in the 4th one, even though I added a different image in those boxes. Yes I’ve double checked this. Any thoughts??

Can you please send us screenshots of the issue and the site URL?


Tal, Thanks for responding back. I closed out the wix page I was working on and when I opened it back up everything was working fine. So who knows some sort of glich, but it’s working now.

Hello Sir,
I have added lightbox on this page
I wants to remove the lightbox after user enter their email and click on subscribe button.
I have also added this code in my footer but it’s till not working.

Hi, there,
I am designing a site for a nonprofit using WIX and I would like to add about 100 light boxes to one page. Before I take the time to do that, will I crash the site? Thanks so much for your help!

Hi there. Is there a limit on the size of text I can put in a lightbox? I just created a lightbox with a 20-page text in it, but when I preview it, it shows only the first couple of pages. Any thoughts?

Hello everyone! I have now about 28 lightboxes on one page, they are to introduce artists. I am trying to duplicate an existing lightbox and I get an error saving my sate, it will not save, called helpdesk, its been a week, Request 688898538, , any advice? I will need 50 lightboxes.

Did you ever get any answers?

@leastedman An answer to what? This thread has answered the original poster’s question. If you need further details or clarification, I would recommend contacting Wix Customer Care .

Also, please observe the community guidelines and refrain from multiple posts on the same topic or question.

This is an old post and is being closed.

anyone knows the code to trigger on a googe map pin a lightbox?

You want to open a LIGHTBOX by a click onto a google-maps-pin?
This surely can be generated inside an HTML-Component or by creating a custom Element. Perhaps there are even alternative ways, of how to achieve your aim.

could you help me with that?

I currently have 104 lightboxes on my front page and adding one about every other week. They seem to work and open quickly. I am concerned and thinking about breaking up the page.