Limit unique digital goods to Quantity of 1 & tying My Orders Download to UserId

I am currently selling digital goods. I have two queries:

1) Limit Digital Good Quantity to 1 for Unique Items

How can I limit digital goods purchase to just 1? Right now, user can add as many quantity as they want, but it’s just one unique digital good. Doesn’t make sense for them, and our refund policy team, if they “accidentally” add more than 1 quantity.


2) Tying a Download Link in My Orders to UserID

I want to tie the digital good bought to the user account (eg. userId). Right now, I can’t do that. When a user buys a digital good, they are given something to download. If it’s a file or a page with a link, they can share this downloaded file or link with anyone. Doesn’t make sense to me from a business standpoint. I want for the download button in My Orders page to be a link where I can do authentication so that it’s uniquely tied to the userId. This is critical for my business.


Right now, I have to manually identify every user who purchased the digital good, add them to a user role tied to the digital good, so that they have a private member page where I can do OAuth 2.0 authentication with the digital link. This is a long-winded and very manual process.

Thank you.

anyone familiar with this able to advise please?