link multiple images from collection to gallery

I have a collection with 3 fields, each with 1 image.
I want to link a gallery on a dynamic page to the collection images.

I’ve tried placing the code that Yoav gave as an example here
My attempt is:

export function dynamicDataset_onReady() {
  let item = $w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem();
  $w('#gallery1').items = [
    {src: item.image1},
    {src: item.image2},
    {src: item.image3}

but nothing is happening in the preview page.
There are no console messages.

I think perhaps I’ve neglected an import statement, or maybe I’m placing the code altogether in a different page… right now it’s on the ‘page’ tab of the code editor in the dynamic page.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

I have similar concerns. Im also using that code but same result as yours. I have also post like this 1 week ago in the forum, but until now still has no answers.