Link URL to button on repeater with code

Hi, Im trying to create the link on button considering the information of my collection.

The url key field was automatlically created when I create a dynamic page of the collection ( link-play-1-title ) and i cant changed for any other name

On the repeater, I’m using itemData + key field to create the connections with the elements…

evrything is working well but the link url… any ideas why?

    **let**  query  =  wixData . query ( "Play" ) 
    query . contains ( "grupo" , "Novedades" ). find (). then  (( results ) => { 
        **let**  novedades  =  results . items 
        $w ( "#repeaterNov" ). data  =  novedades  

    $w ( "#repeaterNov" ). onItemReady (( $item ,  itemData ,  index ) => { 

        $item ( "#textoCorto" ). text  =  itemData . descripcionCorta ; 
        $item ( "#portada" ). src  =  itemData . portada ; 
        $item ( "#button26" ). link  =  itemData . link - play - 1 - title ; 
        $item ( "#rating" ). numRatings  =  itemData . rating 
        $item ( "#rating" ). rating  =  itemData . numeroRatings 
