I just asked myself, why you do not link it maualy first?
Here you see the " green " dataset-wire, which you can connect with dataset and map .
Once you click on it, you get the following window…
Your wished function/field should be the last one, where you can connect a → PIN ← with a → URL <–.
So why not doing it manualy?
Once you have connected your URL to the right PIN on the map, normaly then your desired function should work for you, i am right?
All you have to do, is first to generte a new DB-FIELD inside your DATABASE - → call it url or URL or something similar.
Generate like already described in my previous post all the links for every of your dynamic-items (values inside DB) → MANUALY (FULL-URL) and paste all of them into the new created DB-FIELD, related to the right location.
Now you can connect manualy all your PINs on your map with each of the new generated URLs and your wished function should work, because now, when you click onto the PIN-LINK - → you will be redirected to the related dynamic-page.
There won’t be any other way to manage it - → using the normal wix out of the box-map. For example a dynamic event-triggered-version is not possible, because no real event-trigger are given, to make some action, when a pin was clicked or used.

So if you want to make your MAP even more DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE - → you will need to use the HTML-Version of it, or even generate your own MAP, using a custom-element.
BTW: You can also use the ----> WISHLIST !