Linking Members to Dynamic Data

I was wondering if there was any way that I could link my members (or even contacts) to a database collection? I see that the stores app does this? I know you can by creating your own membership area using Code, however this means that firstly I have to put my membership sign up settings on automatic which I don’t want and additionally if a member choose to unsubscribe their data will still be in my ‘members’ database collection?

For what I am trying to achieve with my web site I need to have a data collection of my members. I was wondering if there was simply an easier way, of linking the two, like the stores app does? So that when one updates the other does as well? Or even just connecting the membership account info on the my account page to a data collection?

Hello Berry,

In Wix, there is a feature called dynamic pages which do just that. They create dynamic pages based off of a template you create, and insert the data from the collection.

Here is a detailed tutorial on how to do that - here
As for storing user info, you can interact with the users data using the wix-user api found - here
and information for storing that data into collections can be found - here

If you get stuck, paste the code here and we will troubleshoot it together :)!
