Hi guys,
How do I use an anchor on a dynamic page as it is not allowing me to via the normal method?
Hi guys,
How do I use an anchor on a dynamic page as it is not allowing me to via the normal method?
Hi! This is a bug, i’m passing it to relevant team
Will update when it’s fixed…
I’ve checked again, of course there is a bug (should be proper message)
But, situation like you have on screenshot happens only when there is dyn page created on collection, but collection doesn’t have any data, so you can’t choose right page
Do you have items in collection?
Hi Mikhail,
Thank you for your message.
I have created a profile using the Wix code directions and I was not sure if that was the problem to the Anchors not working correctly. I have Anchors on the page and all I wanted to do is link up a few of the buttons at the top to direct users to sections on the same page. I didn’t know if I need to include any code to make this work?
Thank you for all your help.
Hi again!
No, it doesn’t need any code.
I wanted to say - this happens if your collection is empty. Your collection is empty?
Can you please give me a link to the site you develop?
When you try to set up anchor on dynamic page, you set up link to SPECIFIC dynamic page instance - not “on any”
That’s why it needs to have some data in collection to work
Hi Mikhail,
My website is https://www.primalconquest.co.uk. I have three diffrent data sets operating on the page so im not sure how to add the collections to the page? Thank you again for your help I am very new to wix code.
So i checked your site.
Collection (or database if you want), which is called “Profile” is empty - there are no rows in it. Due to this, when you create dynamic page based on this collection, you create only template of the page, not instances of the page
When you want to add anchor, you can link it only to specific instance of this tempate. Because you dont have data in collection. you dont have instances and you cant link anchor there.
Please read here more about dynamic pages:
Thats brilliant I think I understand now. Ones I have put items in the table will these anchors work across all the profiles as a lot of the information will be generated by my clients?
Thank you so much for this…
But, listen what i understood right now…
I think it won’t work for you in general
Imagine we have 10 profiles and 10 pages (instances of one dynamic page) - then you want to add button at top on dynamic page, which will have link to anchor on the same exactly page - to the anchor on specific position
You can’t do this, because when you create link to the anchor, you always create link to certain item in collection - therefore, on one specific anchor
In this case this button will lead to position on one specific instance of dynamic page - from all profile pages
So the only way you can achieve this - by using scrollTo function
It looks like it is working fine now and it was exactly as you said. It appears to be working on all the profile pages as it gives the option to link it to any item under a given anchor on the page.
Thank you for all your help
All the best,
I am not getting this" it gives the option to link it to any item under a given anchor on the page."
can please help more, my website link is https://prchbhnsl.wixsite.com/sunitanahata1/product-page/ring-morganite . It is not working for click here for full detail