Links to some dynamic pages aren't working


So I had “regular” pages displaying collection items, with a repeater and a database, so I decided to set them as dynamic pages, which is normal I suppose.

Only now most of them (4/5) don’t work ! I have a text field on which the user can click to access those pages, only one works ! The rest return an error :

and the console log shows this :

Not Found (404) - The requested resource could not be found
no data matched this query: {"$and":[{"evenement":{"$contains":"GAMING WEEK"}},{"dispo":{"$ne":true}}]}, with the pattern: /gaming-week
Loading the code for the site. To debug this code, open masterPage.js in Developer Tools.
Loading the code for the Deals Soldes (All) page. To debug this code, open bajm4.js in Developer Tools.
DatasetError: Operation (onReady) not allowed on an unconfigured dataset

One of those pages works fine (url = /deals/sales) but the rest won’t.

I tried everything, clearing out the cache, trying with a different browser, trying buttons linked to the ‘deals’ collection… to no avail…

Any idea ??

Hi Tristan,

Still having issues?
If so, can you please share a url to your site?


Hi Liran,

Yes the problem hasn’t been solved yet, i’ve reset all of these pages as ‘static’ pages in the meantime.

Here’s the link, I’ve saved the previous version as ‘PAGES DYNAMIQUES’ or something like that in the save history.

Any chance you can save the current version and restore the dynamic pages one?
I want to take a look when the site is published.


I’m away at the moment and will be back on Saturday.
I’ll let you know when I’ve done that, thanks :slight_smile:

No problem

Hi !

There you go, the version has been saved, you should be able to access it.

Thanks again !

Can you please specify a page that is not working? seems like all deal pages are working for me

Also, I’m seeing that some of your dynamic pages are not configured to use any field from the data base.
See this one, which is configures correctly to use ‘ID’ and ‘Title’:

Compared to this one, which has a static URL (and note the drop down ‘Add Field’ that allows selecting a field):

Hope this will help,


So oddly when clicking on the link in the footer (see all 4 ‘événements’) it didn’t react at all, and after adding a link to each entry again, it showed the error message again (you can try now)

I want those pages to display only certain items that are part of a collection, I first set them as static pages which worked fine, but figured it would make more sense and would be better to set them as dynamic pages.

I don’t understand, since my Deals (All) page also has a static URL, what’s the matter with not adding any dynamic field ?

The matter is that this is not a ‘Dynamic page’ if it has a static URL :slight_smile:

What you’ve set there, is a Dynamic Page with the prefix of ‘deals/black-friday’. This means that this will be a prefix of any page under that namespace. I would expect than to have pages like:
‘deals/black-friday/tv’, '‘deals/black-friday/ipad’ etc. (according to a database collection).
‘deals/black-friday’ is not a real page, just a prefix.
I think that what you have in mind is making ‘deals/black-friday’ some sort of an index page.
I suggest looking in this example for how to achieve that.


Okay I get it now, so basically those pages should then remain static.

I tried to figure out how to pull what I was trying to pull but couldn’t find a logical way to.

And the “soldes” page works fine whereas the others don’t, this remains a mystery.

I’ll go back to having static pages for those ones.

Thanks a lot for your help.

I am having the same issues and have been emailing back and forth with six support for over a week. Please help! All the pages work fine in preview but when I publish I get the 404 does not exist.

Did you sync your database collections?

If you still encounter problems, please post the editor URL of your site. Only authorized Wix personnel can get access to your site in the editor. Please include the name of the page involved.

@yisrael-wix Hi there — thanks for your response! Yes I tried syncing adjusting links and I’m still going crazy!

Hi Yisrael, i have the same problem. And it’s literally making my head burst since nobody can give me an answer. This is my editor, everything is linked but it just doesn’t redirect. that’s for the set up profile page to the profile account:

Can you please please please help you! Hope hearing from you!

What isn’t linked? What is it supposed to do? What data is it based on?

Your database collections are empty.

Hi Yisrael, I think that they are referring to this previous post from them.

I had the same problem earlier. My dynamic page kept getting an error when I tried to go live. I could not link my static page item to a dynamic page. But I fixed it for my site. I synced the sandbox to the live site first. Next, instead of using the ordinary link on my static page item. I connected it to the date like I would on a static page. After 6 hours, I finally fixed my problem.