Live website splash page continues to display loading pinwheel when everything is loaded

Hi all- About a week ago my live landing page continues to display the Wix “loading” pinwheel even after everything loaded. It displays center left. It interferes with the ability to click through the most important part of my website… my resume. This loading element doesn’t display on any other page.

Not sure what’s going on here and unfortunately don’t know enough web dev shop talk to diagnose the issue myself. Has anyone run in to this before?

I included an image below. Thanks in advance for any assistance!!!

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
Stop the persistent loading element which blocks ability to click in to a new page.

What have you already tried:
I’ve shrunk down image file sizes. I’ve played around with formatting.

Before making a post here I asked a few friends with different browsers, OS, etc. see if it’s happening for them too. Sure enough- it is. Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge; they all display it. Windows 10, Windows 11, Mac, too.

Curious if it happens to you too. Especially any Linux user. Here’s the page:

Additional information:

The page you are showing, is this a custom generated and designed one?
Or did you use a OUT-OF-THE-BOX-TEMPLATE?
Did you place the spinning-wheel animation to your site?

Anyone knows anything about your real site-setup.

So anyone will be able to answer you this question.

If it is a OUT-OF-THE-BOX-TEMPLATE, than i think you can’t do anything about it.

But what you could try is:
-activate the DEV-MODE in your editor
-click onto the spinning-wheel animation element.
-check the ID of the element
-add the following CODE, replacing the ID.
