Hi, I have a blog on my site, and the max post that can be display on the bog page is 24 posts. I want to add a Load More button so people can reach my older post, or something like that. Is this possible? Thanks.
If you are using Corvid by Wix, you can create a custom blog feed with a load more button to show the older posts with custom code.
Take a look at the example here to see how to build a custom blog feed with Corvid.
Regarding the load more button, you would have to add a button that queries the collection that is being displayed in the repeater so that it displays more when clicked. Take a look at the Wix Data API reference here to find out more about the functionality for working with data in collections.
You can alternatively use a dataset to accomplish this as described in this article (Information about the load more button is at the bottom of the article).
Best Regards,