I have a form which has an upload button. Only when the user click on “submit”, the file start to uploads. When the form is properly saved, show the message. But in this meanwhile, the user have no visual about the files are uploading. In text-only forms, this time is so small to be percitible. But my form has “large” files. Around 10MB. is sufficent to user click over and over on button.
I tried to put a “loading” gif to show only after click on button and only the error message not visible. The error message is about required fields. But have no luck. My best code works only on second click. Any help?
the gif property is “Hidden on load” and the code is:
msg is the error message text which appear when the button is clicked, but the required fields aren´t properly filled.
export function button2_click(event) {
if ($w(‘#msg’).isVisible)