localStorage.getItem returns null

localStorage.getItem returns null

What are you trying to achieve:
I’m trying to retrieve user data from the local storage

Additional information:
I’ve manually set the user variable inside the local storage and I’m trying to retrieve it in the code:

import { local as storage } from 'wix-storage';

$w.onReady(function () {
	let user = storage.getItem('user');
	console.log('user', user); // null
	if (user) {
	 	try {
	 		user = JSON.parse(user);
	 		if (!user || !user.parent) {
	 			// todo redirect to
 			        console.log('redirect to login page as well')
	 		} else {
	 			console.log('User data: ', user);
				console.log('User is logged in. Redirect to the parent-hub page')
	 	} catch(e) {}
        } else {
	 	// todo: redirect to sign-up page
	 	console.log('User is not logged in. Redirect to login page')

I’ve manually set the user variable inside the local storage

Does this mean on you have set this value locally on your web browser?

In order to save values in local storage that are accessible via Velo, you should use the Wix Storage API’s setItem() method.

I recommend checking the Velo Example below to see it in use:

Yes it is. So does this mean I can only access localStorage items stored using the Wix Storage API?

Yes, if you are attempting to retrieve localStorage items using the Wix Storage API, they must be defined using the setItem() method.