Locking elements: help!

I am new with Wix, can anyone give me tips on how to lock elements. It’s hard to scroll down while I am building the site without moving slides/image boxes. please help!

Your description is pretty vague as to exactly what’s happening but maybe this can help. Try to ‘group’ items together. Click one item/element, hold Command (mac)/Control (pc) and then proceed to click on all the items you would like to group while holding down command or control. I would suggest to not try and group all items all at once because then the ‘group’ option button sometimes does not pop up. So combine your items and create a group. Then create another group of items. Once you have all your items in groups, then click on one group, hold cmd or cntrl and select another group you created and then the same ‘group’ button should pop up and proceed to group those 2 groups. Only try to group in 2’s. Sometimes more works, but again, it’s kinda inconsistent and I haven’t seen a noticeable pattern to the rules of grouping, nor have I taken the time to go look at the rules Wix has written for grouping.

You can also ‘highlight’ those same items and then select ‘group.’ Just like you would highlight in any other program. Click, hold click, then drag and highlight the items you would like to group. The highlight function isn’t always consistent either. I don’t know exactly how many items you can group at once. Sometimes I can group a lot, sometimes I can’t.

Another tip, pull out a ‘line’ from your Shapes section, stretch it from left to right margins (the dotted line margin, not the margin to the extremes of your left and right sides), and then use the ‘drag’ handle that pops up when the line item is clicked and highlighted. Click and hold that drag button over or under any other items you would like to move all down or up at the same time. This is just a little hack for moving items so it’s not 100%. Most of the time all items/elements under it will slide right down. I usually keep a couple out on the page I’m laying out to slide things up and around easily.

Last tip, keep in mind that part of designing in any software or editor is that it will be a complete mess most of the time until it’s completely done! You’re gona end up moving everything around a million times so don’t sweat the current look vs the end result you’re going for. Add all of your items and elements, customize to how you want as far as the text and all other details. Once you have all the needed components for that page, then place everything exactly where it goes for the final positioning. Positioning is always last.

There may be a couple more methods that can help you that I may not be aware of, but these are some of the hacks I’ve learned along the way after using Wix for a couple years.


Mate, I’m constantly tweaking elements that Wix has decided to move a few pixels or resize by a few pixels or crop by a few pixels that I never touched. It’s bloody annoying! Anyone else come across this. Would love to know a fix!

Wix needs to add element sizing and positioning access via Wix Code…this solves all of these issues. I need this desperately!!!

I there any news on this issue? I have the exact problem as @nathan.rattray