Log in site linked to different pages

Hello people!

I would like to know if there’s a way to create a log in page that sends you to different pages depending on your account and by account i mean your username or password. What i’m trying to do is to segment the access of clients or agents depending on the brand they work for.

For example:


Username: Business01
Password: 1234

Go to:

Business01 Page.

Or if it can’t be done like that is there another way that is closer to this one?

Thank you for the help in advance!

Have a look at this Wix tutorial here for making a members profile page and it will help describe to you how to link pages to specific users and get you started on developing your page and code for it.

For more info, look at the Wix Users API and all its functions here.

Or you can do the easy way and use the Wix Members app on your website.